Monday, September 13, 2010

Assignment 3 Blog Posting

After watching the website, I found that Inspiration Quick Tour can do multiple tasks in one program. It interests me that you can make diagrams, lesson plans, power point slides, create notes, use videos and web casts and much more. It is really convenient for teachers that you can move the work that you do on Inspiration Quick Tour to other programs such as Microsoft Word. As a P.E. teacher I could use Inspiration Quick Tour to create diagrams such as the food pyramid, or post pictures of muscles and bones. I can also use this program to help me write up my lesson plans for the year. I can post exercise and health videos and even post notes for my lesson.

The type of writing activities that would make the best use of technology in my classroom  would be organizing ideas with concept maps. Using this, the students will me able to arrange existing ideas into clusters. For example, if the main topic is fruits and vegetables then they can branch off from that and list specific types such as tomatoes, broccoli, etc. This way if I have them create their own food pyramid it would help them organize their information.
The way that I can have students help each other during writing since my time is limited as a teacher is by pairing up the students and having them proof read each other's paper. It is best to have multiple people read your paper in order to get different opinions and views. Also, less mistakes are likely to be missed if more than one person proof reads your paper. Students can relate to each other since they are usually around the same age so their opinion ususally matters more than a teacher's opinion. The technology tools that I can use to help support peer feedback would be SWoRD. As the book states "it is a Web-based reciprocal peer review system that is designed to facilitate peer review while providing mechanisms to ensure validity and the potential of student bias in providing feedback." This would be a good tool to use because you are getting feedback from multiple people.
The first time that I had to teach a new topic or skill was last semester in my teaching methods class. My teacher wanted me to teach hurdles in track and field and even though I run cross country and track, I knew nothing about hurdles at the time besides that you go over them. I really had to do some research on the internet about hurdles. There is alot of technique to jumping hurdles and form is very important. I definately know more about hurdles after teaching it. However, after learning more about it I am really glad that I don't have to jump hurdles. It is way too complicated for me.

To conclude, Inspiration Quick Tool is a great way to accomplish multiple tasks as a teacher. I think making lesson plans can be alot easier from now on since I know about this program. I hope to learn more about it and become more familiar with it so I can use it in my classrooms when I become a teacher.


  1. References:

    Crismond, David, Howland, Jane, Jonassen, David, Marra, Rose M.(2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall

    (2010). Inspiration Quick Tour.[Video webcast]. Retrieved from

  2. I like the way that not only science teachers and English teachers can use it but also P.E. teachers. I like your ideas and how you would use them in the P.E. classroom. You could probably even use the program demonstrate new games, techniques, and what happens when some one doesn’t take care of their body. Plus, I would really like to see P.E. teachers use more technology, maybe even use Wii if possible.

  3. I really like your response to the assignment quesitons. The first thing I initially realized when watching the video is that it is a great way to create lesson plans in a very organized way. I think the entire program is a great tool for teachers to use in the classroom.

  4. I like your ideas on how to use the diagrams to create food pyramids and post pictures of muscles and bones. I also agree with you if you have the students pair up and have them proof read each others papers they will give each other better ideas as you said be they are of the same age group. I also like this because your right the more proof readers there is the less mistakes their is likely to be

  5. Your blog on todays assignment is terrific! I never thought of the food pyramid idea, etc.

    Also, the students proof-reading each others work sound like a good way to incorporate feedback.

    I can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of this course. Your ideas are unique and inspirational! Thanks!

  6. I also really liked the Inspiration tool. I have to say the thing that I like the most about it was how it automatically outlined everything that you worked on. I have told just about everyone I talked to about this. I would spend hours taking notes then outlining in high school. This tool just knocks them both out at once.
